Why Choose Us!

We strive to provide our customers solutions that are not only efficient but also effective. By adhering to global standards our services will consistently stay modern and practical.


We are not your typical professional services consultancy. We see ourselves as our clients’ strategic partners, dedicated to empowering your business to have a positive impact on people’s lives.


Our highly skilled specialists create amazing solutions for you our clients, making sure that their challenges are met with advanced problem solving and implementation guaranteeing your business success.

Our Services

Helium Synergies works closely with Research Institutes and Industries in a quest to provide high quality and reliable services.

Plant Design

Our proficiency in plant design and commissioning guarantees quality services and we believe that the route to best recoveries depends on the simulation process used as well as adhering to the flowsheets developed

Mineral Processing/Metallurgical TestWorks & Pilot Testing

We pride ourselves with the quality of service with extensive, unmatched and proven experience through years of experience. We offer services like - but not limited to - gravity tests and floatation tests.

Steady State & Dynamic Model Development - METSIM

We help project teams to develop robust Steady state & dynamic models for their various processes including: Communition/Milling Operations, Flotation, CIP/CIL/CIC- Au -Ag-Cu, Heap leaching Operations

Did you know?

Temperature, just like structure, determine the strength of material. Titanic failure was due to very low temperature. Iron alloy(or any other material) may expand rather than shrinking on solidification. (Grey Cast Iron)